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Building code : 02052441
Available 24 hours a Day
Building code : 02006009
Mechanical Security
Individual Air Conditioning
Centralized Air Conditioning
Available 24 hours a Day
Parking Facility
On-site Security
Restroom (Separate for Male and Female)
Iidabashi Plano Stage Building is located at the closest station to Iidabashi. The address is Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. The property is conveniently located right outside the east exit of Iidabashi Station. With a high-rise building standing in front of the station, this property is unmatched in terms of ease of finding visitors. The building is also of a high grade, making it ideal for those who are looking for a high-grade building in this area. The building is equipped with a seismic damping structure, which is effective in the event of an earthquake. This is one of the best properties in the Iidabashi area, so please take a look when you are in the neighborhood.